Does B12 Help You Lose Weight? The Correct Answers Here!

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You probably know about the benefits of consuming vitamin B12, whether through what you eat or via supplement form if you can’t eat foods containing B12. But does B12 supplementation help you lose weight, too?


A lot of people have asked us about that, especially since there are people online praising B12 as a helpful weight loss tool. So, is it truly as effective as people say it is in terms of weight loss, or is it just a gimmick? I will show you evidence-based studies to answer this question!



What is Vitamin B12?

Vitamin B12 is known as cobalamin, containing the element cobalt in its structure. It is a water-soluble vitamin essential in maintaining your organ systems’ functioning, especially your brain, nervous system, and blood cell formation.


And these are just a few of the benefits offered by this B vitamin!


The recommended Dietary Allowance of vitamin B12 is 2.4 micrograms. You can find vitamin B12 in various animal foods, particularly in lean meats, shellfish, poultry, eggs, and dairy products, supplement form, or injections.

Side Effects of Vitamin B12

Too much vitamin B12 can cause acne, as acne-causing bacteria thrive on B12. It can also cause things like dizziness, nausea, headache or anxiety.


Does B12 Help You Lose Weight?

Now, on to vitamin B12 and weight loss. There have been talks about this vitamin being linked to weight loss and better energy boosts, but are the claims as true as they say?


Many doctors, nutritionists, and health experts are leaning towards NO.


While vitamin B12 is extremely essential for our minds and bodies to function, there is no hard evidence confirming how it helps people lose weight. The claims on B12 and weight loss may be due to incorrect assumptions that the effect it has on those with anemia would be similar in those who have normal levels of the vitamin. Meaning, if you have anemia caused by vitamin B12 deficiency, a supplementation will improve anemia and with that improve energy and all the other symptoms associated with anemia. That does not mean supplementation will “boost energy” in the absence of a deficiency.


So, if you see weight loss clinics offering vitamin B12 injections in their programs, you may want to weight the risks and benefits of taking high-dose B12.


With that in mind, I'm not saying that vitamin B12 is not important to have adequate amounts of! If you are deficient in vitamin B12, then these injections and supplements are very beneficial. You will be able to know if you require more vitamin B12 from your doctor and see what you need to take in order to maintain healthier levels of this vitamin.


In a way, maintaining the recommended amount of vitamins and minerals can aid your weight loss indirectly. With better health, you don’t suffer from symptoms of nutrient deficiencies, so you’re able to focus more on your fitness goals, having the energy to exercise better, as well as the metabolism to burn fat efficiently. 


But when you’re hoping to lose weight, it’s best to keep up a healthier lifestyle, consuming nutrient-dense food and following a healthy weight loss program like NUMEO medical to shed the pounds appropriately.


Wrapping It Up

If you’re thinking of taking vitamin B12 shots for weight loss, think about it carefully. There is no direct link to this vitamin and weight loss. If you don’t need these shots and supplements due to a deficiency, then you don’t need to take them. Instead, stick to a healthier diet and exercise routine to shed the pounds efficiently.


I hope that this article answered your question, “does B12 help you lose weight?” Now that you’re familiar with the answer, do check with your doctor regarding your overall health and see if you require supplements to maintain a healthy level of your vitamins and minerals. If you have any questions or want to share your insights on vitamins and weight loss, contact us, I appreciate all your thoughts!


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