Negative Calorie Foods


There is a theory that says there are foods that require more calories to consume for digestion than are contained in that fruit or vegetable.  There is no proof that this is true.  The one most cited is celery.  It is primarily fiber and water and it will take more energy to chew and digest it than you receive in calories, giving you a net loss of caloric intake.

However, some of the foods that appear on this list are actually good for you.  Most of these are non-starch vegetables. 

  • Celery – This food only has 16 calories for each 100 grams. It is high in fiber and a good source of Vitamins A and C and folate.

  • Berries – At 32 calories for half a cup, raspberries, blueberries, and strawberries are good anti-inflammatories and heart healthy choices.

  • Grapefruit – This provides vitamin C, folic acid, potassium, and soluble fiber pectin. It comes in at 40 calories for 100 grams.

  • Carrots – This is one of those “colorful” veggies that you are encouraged to consume. The beta-carotene causes the orange hue. With only 41 calories in each 100 grams, they are loaded with fiber, Vitamins Vitamins A, C, and K, plus manganese and potassium.

  • Tomatoes – Tomatoes contain lycopene - an antioxidant to protect the skin from UV rays. Only 19 calories in 100 grams, they are a delicious way to ingest fiber, potassium and Vitamin C.

  • Cucumbers – Coming in at only 16 calories for 100 grams, cucumbers are chock full of vitamins and electrolytes. They are a good source of hydration and can help the body balance its fluid intake on sweltering days.

  • Watermelon – Rich in Lycopene, which is heart healthy, it also contains citrulline in both the flesh and rind. Citrulline increases immunity and helps provide a smooth blood flow. All this for 30 calories in 100 grams.

  • Apples – This is a high-fiber fruit that is also high in pectin. This is a form of soluble fiber that releases sugar gradually to help regulate the insulin. As we know, fiber is also important for good gut health. There are 50 calories in 100 grams.

  • Zucchini – This is a wonderful summer squash, although visually often confused with cucumber. (Cucumbers are more prickly on the skin and zucchini has a little crown on the tip.) At only 18 calories for each 100 grams, this is another good food to maintain water balance in the body.

  • Broccoli – Kids think of these as little trees. It is loaded with fiber and antioxidants that studies are showing to be anti-carcinogens. Broccoli has 34 calories per 100 grams.

  • Lettuce – A mere 6 calories in 100 grams, lettuce packs in fiber, Vitamin B, folic acid and manganese. Just watch how much salad dressing you add.

Although there may be nothing to the negative calorie effect, incorporating some or all of these foods into your weekly menu will still give you lots of benefits.


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