Weight Loss Specialist


Because of genetics, metabolism, lifestyle, and other factors, maintaining a healthy weight can be difficult for many people. In fact, over 40% of the US adult population has a disease of obesity and only about 12% of the US adults are metabolically healthy! Obesity is associated with over 60 medical conditions. This is why seeing an obesity medicine specialist is important.

Obesity Medicine physicians have specialized training in treating obesity and associated medical conditions such as type 2 diabetes, heart disease, fatty liver disease, insulin resistance, and so on. Specialist will

  • Interview people about nutrition

  • Thoroughly understand how the body gains and loses weight

  • Design eating plans

  • Discuss lifestyle changes

  • Prescribe medications when appropriate

A good obesity medicine (“weight loss”) specialist should design a program based on your specific needs and preferences.  There are a number of tools including nutritional counseling, exercise, and medications.

Starting with an analysis of the patient's current level of health, physical abilities, and lab results, the physician will design a program that fits your needs.  They will also formulate a plan to continue after the initial weight loss in order to maintain a balance and keep the excess weight off.

Medical Evaluation

Understanding that there can be a number of reasons to want to attain a healthy weight, the specialist should discuss type 2 diabetes, movement issues like osteoarthritis, or other conditions.  Women with gestational diabetes or polycystic ovary syndrome need different considerations.  Some people seek assistance to lose weight prior to a medical procedure.

All current medications are reviewed.  Some of the common medications used to treat high blood pressure, seizure, depression, diabetes - may contribute to weight gain. Specialists will review and adjust medications as needed.

Body composition analysis assesses the amount of body fat, muscle mass, metabolic rate. It is quick and painless.  The metabolic rate shows how your body burns calories and can help the experts develop the right eating plan.

Each person is different and a single plan will not work for everyone.  Specialists should give you a personalized approach that will be the most effective for you so that you can reach your goal and establish a maintenance program for the future.


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Obesity (Bariatric) Medicine and Bariatric Surgery