Why is Sugar Bad for You

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Sweets, baked treats, candies are most people’s favorite treats but it is important to understand why all this added sugar is bad for you.

In the US, added sugars account for up 14% of the total calorie intake of children. The consequences of consuming too much added sugar can be serious and hard to reverse. The United States ranks as having the highest average daily sugar consumption per person.

Here are some harmful effects of sugar:

  Sugar Causes Skin Problems

People who consume more sugar are at higher risk of developing dandruff, skin infections, acne, rosacea, and other skin issues. This is because when you give high doses of sugar to the body, it increases your insulin levels which can lead to increased oil production in the skin and also other things like increased growth of unwanted microbes.

  Sugar Weakens immunity

The body’s immune system is made up of trillions of good bacteria that protect it from the disease. But when people consume too much sugar, it can alter the number of good bacteria in the body and weaken their immune systems.

 Sugar Causes Tooth Problems

Tooth decay and cavities are worsened by eating sugar and not brushing that sugar off of your teeth immediately after eating it.

Sugar Makes you More Likely to Have Heart Disease

Studies have shown that the more added sugar people ate the more likely they were to develop heart disease.

Easy Ways to Avoid Added Sugar:

  1. Choose whole foods over processed foods: Fruits, vegetables, and proteins do not contain any added sugar.

  2. Stick with water: most drinks, juices, smoothies, and bottled beverages contain excessive amounts of sugar. Stick with water and try to avoid sweetening your coffee or tea.
    A 20 oz. of Coke contains about 16 teaspoons of high fructose corn syrup. The average 20 oz. of energy drink can contain 54 to 62 grams of high fructose corn syrup.

  3. Indulge your sweet tooth with healthy options: Berries, apple, banana, or a square of dark chocolate are examples of desserts you can indulge in without a lot of added sugar.

Seek Expert Help

If you are needing help with creating an eating plan that will keep you feeling great and healthy, find a medical doctor that specializes in this. In the Boston Area, Dr. Marine Lipartia, a board-certified Obesity Medicine doctor, can help!


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