What Foods have Starch

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A lot of foods contain starch.  Starches are considered complex carbohydrates and are a source of energy for the human body.  Grains, root vegetables, and fruits are the most common sources of starch.  Complex carbohydrates are those that allow sugar into the bloodstream gradually.  Refined starches release the sugar quickly causing a sharp spike and then a rapid decline.  The refined starches may leave us hungry and tired shortly after eating.



Flours are a pantry staple and are used in baking and cooking.  They are made from various types of grains, and sometimes from nuts. 

  • White – Whole grains from any plant are made up of an outer layer called bran, a center called the germ, and the endosperm or food supply. The bran and germ are filled with nutrients and fiber. In processing the bran and germ are removed and the endosperm is all that is left and is ground into flour. The endosperm is highly starchy and low in nutrients. In other words close to empty calories.

  • Sorghum – This is a gluten-free grain filled with protein and fiber and a good source of antioxidants. Although it is high in starch, it is better than white flour.

  • Millet – This is another gluten-free source from seeds of the millet grain. There are a number of varieties of millet, with Pearl Millet as the most widely known. There is some evidence that pearl millet can interfere with thyroid function. However, millet is high in magnesium, phosphorus, manganese, and selenium.



This is a coarse flour made from dried corn kernels.  It is very high in carbs.  A similar product is masa, which is finely ground corn mixed with alkali.  Another coarsely ground cornmeal is polenta or grits.



If you are going to eat grain, oats is a good one to choose.  It has higher fiber and protein content and may not spike blood sugar abruptly.


The starch content of a potato can vary depending on the type of potato, size, and preparation. In general, fresh white potatoes contain 60–80% is starch.


The important part to keep in mind is that starch may come in the form of easily digestible and absorbable form and may spike your sugar, or may come a “resistant starch” that comes with lots of fiber, is digested slowly without spiking blood sugar with more fiber. So, go for high fiber foods like legumes and whole grains.

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